lundi 26 mai 2008

day 107: Shock your muscles: the way to break down stagnation?

Few times ago I have been talking about a problem of muscle stagnation, more precisely at the end of M1. Today, I have probably find a way to break down stagnation: shock the muscle by changing you program suddenly. Do you know what I mean? yes, U right I'm beginning a new program based on weight and dumbells (2*35lbs). You just need 2 dumbells, one bench and determination.

This program can be reached on M§F p42...and it's really hard take care!

reverse fly on bench: max with 2*26lbs

no rest (considered as 0/10sc)

kickback: max

no rest

lateral raise: max

no rest

curl: max

no rest


no rest

bent over row: max

no rest

dips: max


1min rest


reload for a total of 4cycles!

Remember: you are not a puppet of your program, pulling your strings every time you work it...

ps: I'm going to change my meal plan, it should be light but keep the best.

So, it's time to sleep guys, until next time shred hard, No surrender!!!

samedi 24 mai 2008

day 105: Food: Your ally or your enemy

G'day shredders,

BACK AGAIN! Be cool, please do not hit me guys! no, you don't? you should do so: I havn't performed a correct workout since 2weeks and my bodyfat have silently increased. I'm determined to come back in a more relentless way, to get muscle mass right now!

I can actually tell U that M2 would be so much harder than M1. I have to maintain my BF on a respectable lvl and increase muscles at the same time. On M1 I just had to reduce my meals, avoid junk found and work hard (especially my abs). Today is a other game: nutrition is the secret, the key for success but the pb is that I'm not an expert about shredder meals (like Adam...)

I'm not despaired, I'm just trap in a confused situation but I gonna overcome it, for sure! I just need some advices. No doubt I should modify my meal plan.

Today I performed this workout:

It's one of the SPA workout that I practice when I want to "stimulate" the burn machine...don't overtake 30sc rest excepted if it breack your breath!

Ok time to put some daily pictures:

ps: nice to see that you enjoyed the "no escuses" post: it would make reflect and give some hope...

psi: thanx for your day 101 review Adam...

See you soon, shredders


mardi 20 mai 2008

day 101: there is no escuse!

G day' shredders,

Since yesterday, I have completed my first 100days of my journey. I'm really excited about it but I'm actually trapped under 2weeks of's really confusing because I feel that my BF is silently increasing because of the lake of exercice!

So, I'm not going to practice any workout for the next few days but I care about my co-shredders so today i'm gonna present U an article concerning those who have escuses but don't care about it. Those who get such a huge determination to overcome all the life injustices. Those who are so respectable and should inspire everyone to fight for there dreams without any mercy, those who NEVER SURRENDER!!! This article deals with a disabled world of body transformation...

Few times ago I have discovered Mr Nino Savona testimony of a disabled bodybuilder on Mr Venuto site Burn the Fat. This guy has succeeded in his quest to build a dream body. He has joined me on Facebook and I noticed that he is a very kind person, generous and positive attitude. As he explained it, Nino is a man "on a mission" to spread the word that You can do anything you set your mind to!

In his own words:

Nino Savona (Albany, NY) wrote:

Hi Bob... nice to meet u too!
I am determined to carry out my dream along with God,
to go and speak to people around the world about making excuses in life.
If Im able to overcome odds so can others NO EXCUSES!!
God Bless u!!

Nino has prooved that all you and me shredders who have no severe disabilities have no escuse to repel our dreams. It's always hard to get his body in the best shape but we have to take our chance without waiting any more! Nino wants to show people with disabilities that it can be done and nothing is impossible if you can do it in your mind and have a healthy spiritual life. Equally for those who have good bodies, they should count their blessings and get to using them for the good of themselves, and for the good of those who can't and would want to. I respect you mate!

Nino Savona lives in Clifton Park, New York. He can be reached online at

Here is a review of an article found on the net (Disabled-World) enjoy there amazing stories:

Nick Scott

Bodybuilder Nick Scott (also known as the beast) was victim of a brutal car accident at the age of 16 taking away his ability to walk.

The car swerved out of control and performed several flips each as dangerous as the last. Nick held his breath and loosened his grip on the steering wheel as he no longer had control of all that was to come. Ending as fast as it started Nick found himself lying on the ground in a ditch looking at the sky, remembering he had not taken a breath for a long time he started to gasp for air. Although he was feeling no pain at all, it all came to the realization that he could no longer feel his legs, and he could no longer move them either.

When he had gotten to the hospital the nurse announced to him that he was to be paralyzed from the waist down.

Shattering all of his dreams those words led him to strong depression by night, but as his mother held him and said "Take it one day at a time", Nick understood. Giving himself small objectives and working his way to accomplish them, the first one being able to get by without painkilling medication. He was in control of the doses, by pressing a button the medication would take away the pain, but as long as he needed it he could not go back home. So he used it once and that was it, he dealt with the pain afterwards, but the pain meant nothing because he was determined.
Many years after Nick found his ultimate objective and became a source of inspiration for everyone, becoming a successful bodybuilder.

Reggie Benett

Bodybuilder Reggie Benett has been unable to walk since the age of 13. His curiosity turned back on him when he came across a gun, and accidentally shot himself upon playing with it.
Reggie has ever since used his disabilities to inspire other people with spinal cord injuries while motivating them, by proving the fact that limits don't exist. If you set your mind to it you can exceed mentally and physically.

After his hard training he is also a motivational speaker and although his hard work and dedication towards what he does sometimes leaves him not much time with his family. He knows that what he does is needed to inspire everyday people, and as many other wheelchair bodybuilders.

It ultimately proves that no excuse is a good excuse when it comes to not staying in shape and healthy, not even when physically disabled.

John Quinn

Bodybuilder John Quinn was victim of a near fatal motorcycle accident at a young age. It resulted in many broken bones and the loss of mobility.
Although this is one of the most horrible accidents that can happen to someone John has once said "It's just a roadblock to get through and with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ living in me nothing can stand in my way. He is the true source of all my strength."

From there he proceeded to working on his body and became a successful bodybuilder.
His strong faith, will and mental strenght has brought him to what he said he would be, strong both body and soul. He has conquered fear, pain and doubts and has proven that no limits apply for anyone, the limit is only in your mind.
Now, you know that there is no limits just those of your minds...

Remember Shredders: there is NO ESCUSES!!!



samedi 17 mai 2008

day 98: don't forget your dream, even if...

G day'

...Damn this exams! My friends have never stoped to tell me that studies are more important than my workout journey and they were right so I have decided to stop training for 2weeks that is unbearable for me! Nights are so short and I can't eat more than 4 times a day. I can't avoid junk food anymore because I don't got the time to plan's f***in' depressing. Since the beginning of my workout I have faced many test and that's one: patience...

I get a long week end of 3days for training and working exams. Today I have performed a mixt between Arnel IWSP program and 4rounds of HIIT training under a stormy weather;

The next goal would be to find a way to plan meals and perform some moderate workout for the next few weeks.

After 1week without posting I put some pictures but there is no relevant evolution, I trye to stay in the same shape during my exams...

A little change: I put 2pics of my arms andan other to contradict those who think that I'm loosing my abs ^^

Show no mercy, no surrender;

jeudi 8 mai 2008

day 89: M1 review

G' day,

I havn't post since 5days simply because I didn't need it: I continue my relentless training journey! M2 have begun but I noticed that eat 7times a day is more difficult that I thought about it... I REALLY have to respect precisely my eating tips if I want to get some body results. Yes, I succeed in my fat loss way and decrease my BF to a nice 10/12% and gain some muscle, I have to admit this fact, but It would be so more difficult to definitely transform my genereal appearance without taking too more BF. The next weeks would be f**** intense shredders:

- university exams until the end of june (beginning in 5days -_-)
- my hard eating plan to respect
- increasing workout pressure in order to progress...
- sleep (if it's possible! caution: without an essential recovery sleep of 6/7hours you can't change your body and if you blend short nights, stress and hard trainings 24/7 you would destroy your physical and psychological balance...

So, I can't tell that my next mission would be a success but it would be the beginning of a new way of training: more serious, more professional..
Today is time for a M1 review! get some before/after and actual M2 pictures:

Ok, concerning my daily workout I have performed a 6 integral round of HIIT training under a hot 27° weather with a hot sun: in the end I looked like a sweet tomato ^^

Yesterday I have almost completed a 8th mode of Lafay lvl2, remind U:

6*8dips (25sec rest between each set) 25rest at the end
6*8push-up (25sec rest - 25 rest at the end)
6*8declined push-up (wide space - 25sec rest) 3min rest
6*8pull-up (1/2 amplitude - 25sec rest) 3min rest
+8min abs workout

Now, I gonna talk about an important subject for U shredders! Everyone should have to pay attention to it: "what are you talking about Bob?" I'm talking about


In spite of my hate for stretching exercices I have understand that it's really important to prevent major injuries (remember my neck!)!
Even if you get the job done in 10-minutes it can save your journey: it will prepare your body for the exercices that're going to be done (resistance bw training or running exercices).

Researchers show that stretching with aerobic exercise and diet control will reduce cholesterol and significantly reverse hardening of the arteries. A stretched muscle is developing in a long and natural appearance even if it's strong and big! Moreover the entire muscle blood system will work in a better way! If you avoid stretching and push more and more heavy weight you are going to meet more and more articular and back problems (your pond is going to stiffen, your vertebras are going to stick, your shoulders are going to become painful, your stress is going to increase and have consequences on your psychological balance...).

Moreover, don't forget the warm-up benefit. A complete stretching program to increase flexibility is important but don't perform more than 30min before an intens training: it could breack down your muscle activation (strength): it's a scientific study...

Since warming up prior to anaerobic training is an absolute rule - never to be broken - stretching can be combined by using the 10-Minute Stretching Routine as your warm-up.

Flexibility is dependent on the "duration" of stretching position, and the researchers show the best "stretch-hold position" is 30 seconds. I take 15sc dor arms and 30/40sc for legs.

It's important to move slowly into the stretched-out position/ hold it 30 seconds/ and back slowly!

I always take 20min for a complete stretching/warm-up program but I admit that I never stretch after the game. In my point of view it should be benefit to stretch ur arms/legs if you feel pain, inconveniences or a "pump"-ed feeling.

Finally, I get a "secret goal" about legs stretching (that I practice 5times a week!). Does anyone get an idea about it???

Ok, guys until next time Stretch hard, no surrender, follow your dreams...

samedi 3 mai 2008

day 84: 12 week of M1 completed

G' day shredders,

Today, as you know, it's time for a Big reveal: the result of 12 week rtp transformation! But lets remember the story so far:

Before entering university, I fell in several months of a terrible depression. For sure it was not as long as Adam's "chaotic way" but I had lost certain friends, I felt alone and had problems at work. A couple of things, including a painful past, had broken me down. After several weeks at the university, I felt in a better socialy situation, but always physically exhausted. Moreover, my physical appearance didn't satisfied me and I couldn't complete no more than 8 push-up (of course, no pull-up, no dips...). I was in a bad way...

One year ago I decided to change and bought two barrels of 22lbs. I crushed my arms and I started running. It was finally possible to complete 25/30 push-up, I was satisfied but some pictures I received from my China trip this summer (2007) reminded me a reality: I got a lot of work!

Several weeks later, I bought a fabulous book called "méthode lafay" explaining how it's possible to build a strong and athlectic physique only with bodyweight training works!

Since 84 days, I'm practicing this program completed by that of "Iwantsixpackabs". You are going to discover how it works on me! I also performed 3 HIIT trainings a week. 3round at the beginning and 6rounds today. My cardio have progressed in a good way.

- Lafay method on the left, Iwspa on the right...

I can't say that my life has changed in a radical way because when I'm dressed I get the same physical appearance but all is based on a feeling of a pure nrj, a feeling of fulfillment: proud to reach a goal!

Posting to this blog and taking daily pictures has played an essential part in this success and for this I would have to thanx Adam Waters, a sincere, natural, intelligent and dynamic person who has introduced the daily picture concept, ty Adam we are grateful...

Nevertheless I didn't especialy recommend to post every day if you want to create a blog like me but it depends of your self-determination: are you sure that 2post a week would be enough? or would you have to post daily picture to make sure that you gonna succeed? it's all about you but remember that if you think it's time for you to fight for your dreams...don't wait for tomorrow!

Now let's introduce the BIG reveal that everyone is looking about: there is a BIG picture of me taken yesterday and "before/after" pictures. So, I would apreciate a short comment to tell me if it's or not a six pack and what physical point seems important to develop ^^

I can't post a bigger one...IS THIS A SIX PACK?

Before/after pictures:
10 weeks of pain between this...

On the left after 1week of hard training/ On the right after 11weeks

12 Week abs and fat loss Challenge

Start: February 9, 2008

Finish: May 3, 2008

Day 84 of 84

Now, I have to introduce the next for goals for M2:

My first goals were to loose fat and get the abs. I don't know if I have really succeeded but I know that I have made all the sacrifices for it. NOW, I don't want to do the past mistakes: I want to build a strong muscular appearance even if I have to get some fat, today I know that I can loose it. So, my next goal would be to increase my pecs, my arms, my shoulders, as I explained it 3days ago into my eating plan:

M2 Goal: muscle mass

Nevertheless, this mission will ended in 2months and I don't want to say goodbye to my abs so a strong diet will be essential!

Remember, here is one of my final goal representation:

One more..I would have to thx all shredders who supported me in spite of my injuries or fears. You are becoming a part of my life, like a big family and I sincerely hope that I gonna meet some of you. I know that France is so far away but nothing is impossible...

  • Adam thx for all, without ur kind support nothing would have been the same, you know that you're worth it ^^

  • Lilla, love your smile, your kind support and your courage. Shred'on

  • Suzette, I can't explaine how I respect your way and experience in the sphere only one thing to say: good job Suzie, it's an amazing transformation...

  • Hi Christy, what a lovely smile and I really like the way you manage your blog. Really interesting. Keep shredding ^^

  • Hey Joni, what a strong woman! I looked at your push-up challenge and WoW, you rules! Be carefull Adam...

  • Yeah Mike Groom, such a strong man. Thx for looking at my neck injurie. I'm grateful about that man. Thx for all Mister!

  • Hey Christina, you get some nice vids on ur blog: how is the dog and your daughter?

  • Ohoh, Jeremy! Adetermined studient like me. "Together we will definitely go beyond any foreseeable limits in the future" I remember your own words man ^^

As you have noticed, spartans warriors is a big inspiration for me. Since I have studied Greek at my college I'm fascinated by the the bravery of these proud warriors and "300" was the exemple of this bravery. Today, maybe I won a battle but I didn't win the war. I will keep doing what bring me to post the entry: Shred Hard. I WILL NEVER's just the beginning! No Adam, a battle victory doesn't represent the entire glory...I continue to prepare for glory...

psi: because of a computer problem I can't post any video, I apologize for that -_-

psii: some other daily picture are coming...

Until next time Shred hard, Show no mercy, no surrender!!!