mardi 2 septembre 2008

day 206 : End of M2 - Beach Body Challenge Revealed.

G' day shredders,

I'm finally back from my Holidays with a 200days anniversary of intense (of sweat and suffering...rewarded) training completed!!! and I bring some breaking news...

The past two months were really intenses, full of human experiences, meetings and shredding.

August: I practised 1month of hard training in a gym and a lot of speed bicycle performances (16km a day).

I get to complete some finals before the third week of september some I'm gonna take a recovery rest before starting M3.

So, I know that everyone keep one question: "Has he achieved his M2 as he promised?"

And the result is based on my Beach Body Challenge big reveal! I don't know exactly if I succeed but a lot of friends on the beach think about a real transformation: get ready to the shredders vote:

*This photo has been taken on a beach near St Tropez called Cavalière,

As you may notice I have taken some lean mass on my pecs and my shoulders but also on my quads (approximatively 1,2inch=3cm).But it's not only a matter of Beach body but already home pictures, here is a look at my "back" progress. I go up slowly of my perfect "dreamed back picture" posted on day 125.

<--- day 180 "back" results...and final goal.
The goal of M2-phase2 (holidays) wasn't to take a lot of mass but especially to maintain my BF under 10%, Mission completed.

M3 is going to start before the next few weeks, but for the time I have to take a rest.
The goal is simple: muscle gain, limit BF. It would be perfect if I could take 4-5kg of lean muscle before a diet. I get 300 more days to achieve a perfect body, WILL I SUCCEED???

as I love to say: no gain
Shred hard', Bob

7 commentaires:

Mike Groom a dit…

Great to see you back Bob! You are looking awesome my friend.

dougal a dit…

I'd say you achieved your goal, you look pretty ripped to me. Well done and good to see you back. a dit…

Definitely ripped! YOUR back pic looks better than the dream back photo. AWESOME!

Debbie a dit…

You look great, Bob. The back pictures are almost identical.

Glad to have you back with us!

Alex HK a dit…

Hi Bob, wellcome Back! You look absolutely great and we seem to have the same targets now (adding lean body mass + shredding off last fat).


Marbella a dit…

Hello Bob,
I vote won the BeachBody Challenge! Such improvement. Know you are pleased to see your body changing for the better.

Ron a dit…

You're looking awesome Bob! I was inspired by your blog when I started, and was wondering what happened when you didn't update it for some time. Now that you're back, I'm inspired even more!