jeudi 10 avril 2008

day 61: stress isn't a way of living

G' day shredders,

It's a fact, I'm really tired since the beginning of my workout due to short nights, a lot of stress at work and really intensive trainings. If I want to remain healthy I have to decrease the hardless workout (just for a time) and reorganise my life (more time for a recovery sleep, avoid all junk foods and learn to break down the stress).

So, I have decided to perform 3 days of body weight workout, 2 days of interval training and keep 2 days rest for stretching exercices.

As I promised you here are some views of my body "evolution" (yes i'm emprisonned in a stagnation way -_- I'm so tired)

ps: could you feel all the pain on this face? me, I can...

Until next time, take care of yourself guys, keep your own way!


1 commentaire:

Adam Waters a dit…

Looking great Bob! Your BF must be pretty low. Shred on, Adam