lundi 31 mars 2008

day 51: a painful rising

Tonight (I talk about night because I didn't get the time for a workout this morning) I performed an other Lafay training and the increase of my results is painful:

5*7dips+1*5dips (25sec rest between each set) 25rest at the end
6*7push-up (closed hands for pecs - 25sec rest) 25 rest
6*7declined push-up (wide space - 25sec rest) 3min rest --- painful 1/3 amplitude
3*9pull-up followed + 3*7 (1/2 amplitude - 25sec rest) 3min rest
6*10jump squats (25sec rest) 1min rest
+8min abs workout

my way for redamption isn't completed at all (like my way in the hell...)

dimanche 30 mars 2008

day 50: down the goals

G' day Shredders,

Day 50 of 84: 34 days to go on M2, almost 1month. Today was a big interval training moment because I'm getting closer from my purposes. In fact, I have performed 6rounds of almost 45sec sprint always followed by 2min cooldown. If I want to break down my final goals I just have to increase my sprint from 45 to 60sec and keep the same cooldown time allowed: That's all ^^

Nevertheless, concerning my aerobic training it seems really hard to break down 10km in 40min. Think that I would test it in 45min in the next few weeks...

So, let's take a look at my "weekly" pictures:

Have a nice shredder sunday and until next time:
no compromise...

samedi 29 mars 2008

day 49: God bless this rest day ^^

Today was an incredible rest day. Because of a little pain in my legs (probably surtraining) I decided to stop for this day and just perform some stretching. Yesterday was a Lafay's workout day that means pain and suffering...

The scores: 5*6dips+1*5dips (25sec rest between each set) 25rest at the end
6*6push-up (closed hands for pecs - 25sec rest) 25 rest
6*6declined push-up (wide space - 25sec rest) 3min rest
6*7pull-up followed (1/2 amplitude - 25sec rest) 3min rest
6*8jump squats (25sec rest) 1min rest
+8min abs workout

As I was talking about, it was an "incredible day" because a friend I know since 2years and with who I have been more and more closed had decided to invite me for a cinema, but you know something about the story... There is some love in the air! It reminds me that I wished it at day 16.
2008 will be MY (our shredders^^) year, definitively!

jeudi 27 mars 2008

day 47: good resolutions

Today I have downed a new step in my Interval training challenge. I performed 7rounds of 40sc sprint followed each time by 2/2mn30 cooldown. The next goal that I have to complete is to increase the time for sprint and cut off the time allowed for cooldown.

Yesterday, I performed my workout and there are the results:

6*5dips (25sec rest between each set) 25rest at the end
6*5push-up (closed hands for pecs - 25sec rest) 25 rest
6*5declined push-up (wide space - 25sec rest) 3min rest
3*8pull-up followed by 7,6,5 = total 6sets (1/2 amplitude - 25sec rest) 3min rest
6*8squats on one leg (on each side - 25sec rest) 1min rest
6*8jump squats (25sec rest) 1min rest
+8min abs workout

I got a really amazing pumped feeling!

So now I'm gonna introduce some good resolutions in my life: I have decided to stop training late in the evening, go to bed (by 11pm) and wake up early (by 7am) to do my workout.
Moreover I have to change my meal plan and start a moderate low carb diet...

ps: according to your mail Adam I'm going to join the challenge!

one way to succeed: show no mercy guys!


mardi 25 mars 2008

day 45: Eat clean, burn the fat

G' day Shredders,

Today was an interval training day and I completed 6rounds of 40sc of intense sprint followed every time by 2mn/2mn30 of cooldown: in progression!

Since the beginning of my workout, 45 days ago, I have lost more than 2% body fat and get almost 12% that meens 2% body fat to loose (the most difficult). I'm gonna try transforming my nutrition plan in a High protein Low Carb diet in the next few weeks before M2 revealed.

I have to intensify my self-determination for the next 100 days before the end of M2 and the verdict: do I get a six-pack???

So, there is some views of my current body evolution (back from a shower)

Show no mercy, no surrender, a good start...


lundi 24 mars 2008

day 44: redefine the meaning of pain

Yesterday I performed an interval training session to test my new "yellow shoes" and they are so amazing, incredible, I felt no pain in legs, only power! Moreover, today I also began my Lafay workout wich will be the main subject of my M1 and M2. I can't understand how I have survived without my Weider PT800: it's so amazing for the dips pratice (when I completed 10 rep with muscular custom I can already do the same without it). For those who know something about the Lafay method, I would daily hold my results. Today was a painfull training day because I didn't use to take less than 30sc rest during my session...Shred Hard!

Here you can see the "pain machine" or me doing my upper-back workout.

Finally, for all kindness wich you bring us and for the add, thank you Adam!



ps: I try to post some body evolution pictures for tomorrow...

samedi 22 mars 2008

day 42: amazing purchases, a new start?

G'day Shredders,

Today stand out the beginning of a new "training journey"! In fact, I have just received my new Weider PT 800 (take a look at the previous pictures) and I took advantage of this to buy a pair of Attractive yellow sports shoes. As I was looking everywhere in the store with so fascinated eyes I also buy a new jump rope, a stretching carpet and finally, a yellow sweat specified for running, in addition of the shoes...

At the end, it represented an amount of 300$ (expensive for a law student)

I think that I already get all the equipment which I need to perform my goals on my pfg-workout, I am thus going to begin seriously my Lafay training from Monday, but tomorrow I am going to run with my new yellow shoes...the duke is coming!

ps: here are some views of my new purchases.

On the road again...


vendredi 21 mars 2008

day 41: wake up early...a deep pain

Yesterday I didn't post my daily report because I was busy and preferred to take a rest: sometimes, a breack is better! Today morning, I decided to wake up at nearly 7 am to perform a new aerobic training record (8km in 37mn) and as it's often recommended I avoided to eat (just a coffee and water). In return I got a stron stomach pain after 15min of running and I was finnaly forced to stop. I would find a compromise in the next few days. I have just ordered my Bodyweight machine (Weider PT 800) to pratice more easily my Lafay's workout (I would stop Arnel.R program (I don't get all the stuff) but probably start again after completing Mission 2 or 3)...

Until next time...
never surrender, show no mercy!

mercredi 19 mars 2008

day 39: natural elements are against me

In fact, it has just start raining hail when I decided to perform my interval training session. It wasn't pleasant at all but I completed my mission. Tomorrow, I would try to order my PT 800 in the sport store near my district.

Until next time, Shred hard...


mardi 18 mars 2008

day 38: time to increase the suffering

It's time to get some views at my body's evolution. Yesterday I noticed that my abs evolution wasn't so relevant (because of food and training schedules) but finally it's constant. I hope that I gonna receive my Weider PT800 in one week (or less) to start more stronger than ever my Lafay's exercices. My goal for tomorrow: wake up early and interval training (6round of 30/40sc sprint + 2mn30 cooldown between each = total: less than 25min)

So now it's time to look at my shoots:

YES, I will no surrender, I will show no mercy...
Shred on'

lundi 17 mars 2008

day 37: one step beyond

Day after day I rise my life in an other way, I push the limits away! Today I performed 6cycles of 30/40sc sprint with 2mn30/3mn cooldown between each set...
My determination is increasing more and more even if the physical results are not so relevant. I have recently read an article about Bruce Lee training and I was fascinated by his iron determination...

Here you can see him doing his abs workout including the famous Dragon fly !

If I really want to get huge results I have to be more serious (and stop trainings late in the evening) and control my life with an Iron hand (A little as bruce would have made...). It's the time to cross one step beyond!

Only way to succeed: no compromise, unbreakable determination...

psi: I promise you photos of my body evolution for tomorrow

samedi 15 mars 2008

day 36: my after rest day

Yesterday, I performed a new record, and completed 7km in 34min! Next time I'm going to try 8km in 37min...

The party was so intens, amazing! All my friends were here to wish me an happy birthday. The sound was great, nice girls, junk food and alcool

(the "best" stuff for my journey workout). The party ended after 05:00am and the night was so short...

I would never forget this party guys, one of the best
psi: Firstably, ty Godi for mixing at home ---

Thx for you kindness (but now I have to come back again in my fat loss workout stronger than ever -_-)

psi:too busy to take body photos but are coming, sorry

psii: some photos of "the party"

Shred hard and (first of all) have fun...

jeudi 13 mars 2008

day 34: I get a feeling of "déja vu"

I performed my daily workout with an other 2nd week arnel program and it become more and more...gloomy training! I really have to buy this bw training machine to increase definitively my progression. It would be done in few days...

It was hard to begin shredding today (not enough sleep) but I finally completed my mission ^^

Tomorray is party time and it would be my training session for the next two days!

Show no mercy, never surrender, follow (or shred) your dreams...

mercredi 12 mars 2008

day 33: Grateful Rest

Today I have to take a rest because of a lot of work (one of my teacher is so boring and nasty, we have to right until 3commentaries a day! - near 10pages) and I must take a rest if I can't sleep a lot nightly. Moreover I'm going to prepare my Birthday party for friday night (more than 30 people) and I didn't get much energie to spend until the end of this week - be cool with me shredders I wouldn't never surrender again -_____- Xd

A nice trip is comin' soon!


mardi 11 mars 2008

day 32: out of breath?

Interval training: resumption, and I feel more and more Resistant and full of nrj after my running workout. Today, I performed 5 round of 25/30sc sprint followed with 3min cooldown and to finish with abs workout. Tomorrow would be a second program 1st level of my Lafay workout and sorry, 1:40 am, I need my recovery sleep guys!

See you later and...Shred hard!

lundi 10 mars 2008

day 31: fat burning...the quest

I continue my fat burning journey and today I performed one Arnel 2nd week workout (after one week of Lafay method and to diversify, break the monotonous program). My goal for the next 2months is to loose more than 2% bodyfat: final target's 10% bodyfat! My abs appear little by little but my determination is illimited...

ps: I have to reduce my food ration (calories) but increase the protein amount.

ps i: some body's evolution pictures in few days ^^

Eat surrender!

dimanche 9 mars 2008

day 30: come back from a good trip

It was amazing... but so short! I get a lot of Mountain pics (me on my board, me in front of one the most beautiful view in Europe, ect) and it will be hard to turn back: my job is callin me again, damn. I performed my workout everyday (+ "snow games"), running and crushing my abs in a so cold weither (often less than 3°C) but never surrender! First of all I took some pics of body evolution on day 22:

Next, I can't hold on to give you some pics of my holidays (as Adam does) because it was a really good time and experience for my workout, my breath, my energy! Enjoy, catch ya'

My before and after pics: a sunny day!

Look at this snow time Adam: it's not a small "Osaka snow flake"

See you later, alligator ^^