samedi 22 mars 2008

day 42: amazing purchases, a new start?

G'day Shredders,

Today stand out the beginning of a new "training journey"! In fact, I have just received my new Weider PT 800 (take a look at the previous pictures) and I took advantage of this to buy a pair of Attractive yellow sports shoes. As I was looking everywhere in the store with so fascinated eyes I also buy a new jump rope, a stretching carpet and finally, a yellow sweat specified for running, in addition of the shoes...

At the end, it represented an amount of 300$ (expensive for a law student)

I think that I already get all the equipment which I need to perform my goals on my pfg-workout, I am thus going to begin seriously my Lafay training from Monday, but tomorrow I am going to run with my new yellow shoes...the duke is coming!

ps: here are some views of my new purchases.

On the road again...


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